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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mountain Formation


     Mountains are all basically formed by plate tectonics pushing against one another creating a large upward jutting formation, but the process behind them are different depending on type. There are 3 types of mountain formations;

  1. Volcanic
  2. Fold
  3. Block

     Shifting tectonic plates create volcanoes which in turn  erupt to create mountains. Different types of volcanoes will create different looking mountains. Stratovolcanoes create a cone-like shaped mountain, while shield volcanoes create a gently upward sloping mountain.


     When tectonic plates collide or undergo subduction, they bend and fold. This folding creates mountains at the point of collision.


     A block mountain is created by the shifting of a fault block. The block may shift up or down depending on the circumstances leading to the shift.

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